6 Tips To Help You Cope in Your New Job After a Long Period of Unemployment

The unemployment rate in America has been declining, with the current being at 3.4% as of January 2023. That has made most jobless people find jobs and start working again. If you have been unemployed for an extended period, this might be the time to get back to work.

However, you may need to learn how to cope with your new job and work cohesively with other staff members. You might be experiencing excitement and anxiety after being unemployed for a long time. Here are six tips that will calm you down and help you stay away from fear as you start your new job:

1. Adopt Habits to Suit Your New Life

When unemployed, you can sleep, eat, socialize, and do many other things at your convenience. However, that changes when you start working. You’ll need to follow a schedule to avoid messing up your day. It would be best to start following a plan that follows your working days after you get the job offer. For example, change your workout routine, eat regularly, and start sleeping and waking up at the same time as you’ll be doing when you start working.

2. Cut Down on Obligations that Aren’t Related to Your New Job

If you have been unemployed for an extended period, you might experience exhaustion in the first weeks of your new job. It might be challenging to adjust your body to the new schedule, and you might be busy learning new things at work. Therefore, it would be wise to reduce your plans for the days you’ll be going to work.

Cut down on social activities during working days and only attend to those happening when not working. You might become overly exhausted during the first few months. However, that will change after some time, allowing you more time to socialize and spend on other personal matters.

3. Remain Humble

After starting your new job, it is okay to behave like an expert. However, it would be best to stay humble at the beginning. Take some time to learn what the position entails because it might be impossible to do so within the first week. Additionally, set goals and work towards achieving them. While it is okay to be enthusiastic, let yourself observe the environment and your workmates to understand how things flow in the new organization.

4. Avoid Having a Know-It-All Attitude

Staying unemployed for an extended period can make you insecure and cause you to find ways to prove yourself when you land your next job. However, taking your new opportunity by storm might be a bad idea. Your employer chose you because of your qualifications and skills. Hence, slow down and learn first instead of taking on the position with a know-it-all attitude.
Since you have a lot to learn, ask questions and seek opinions before making any decision. Being humble will reduce the pressure and enable you to work in cohesion with your co-workers.

5. Make Friends at Your New Workplace

Friendships with your new colleagues can be an excellent way to start settling into the new job. The new friends will help you feel comfortable in your new position because they will answer your questions about the organization and role. You’ll need help with minor issues like locating the printer and other complicated ones like choosing the best health plan.

A workmate will help you settle in faster than doing it alone. Additionally, you may feel out of place for a while since you’ve spent a long time unemployed. Having a new friend in your workplace will enable you to have someone to spend lunch and coffee breaks with, thereby alleviating the anxiety of feeling new and lonely at the cafeteria.

6. Allow the Boss to Play their Roles

If you have found employment in a junior role than your previous one, or one in a different field, you must adjust to the new conditions. For example, if you had a senior position in your last job, you must understand that you’ll have to answer to someone else now. While you can still share your experience with your seniors, remember you are no longer the boss. Allow your supervisor to play their roles without feeling about it.

More people have started getting employment opportunities in recent years. If you are one of these people and have landed a job after several years of unemployment, it is essential to know how to handle your new role. The above tips will guide you on how best to take on the new position and thrive.

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