The Federal Reserve Plans to Intentionally Cause Unemployment

For those of you out there who don't know what the Federal Reserve is, it's mostly just referred to as "the Fed" by its critics, and it's an authoritative body that essentially controls America's currency. Technically speaking, the Fed conducts the nation's monetary policies and influences money and credit conditions. Its chairman is named Jerome Powell, and he is the quintessential Wall Street investment banker type. In news that shocked even people who support a centralized body regulating currency, Powell said in a statement last week that he's working to literally push America's unemployment rate up to 4.4% because the Fed speculates that more unemployed Americans will help to fight inflation. How will this work, exactly? Well, the Fed never goes into details about anything, unless banks need to be bailed out with taxpayer money. According to Powell, he needs to drive America's unemployment up by over a million, even if it causes a horrible recession, because that's how he's planning to reset the market.

On wanting to reset the financial market, Powell said, "I wish there was a painless way to do that. There isn't." What's scary here is the actual numbers involved. The government's current line is that unemployment is only at 3.7%, and they stick with that because it makes Joe Biden look good. Meanwhile, everyone knows that we're still experiencing the biggest labor shortage in American history, and that the actual numbers are way higher than 3.7% because the government is only counting people drawing unemployment checks. If your time has expired, or if your claim has been denied, you are not counted. This puts the realistic numbers at over 10% unemployment. If Powell is planning on raising that number by the same margin, it's going to cause an awful lot of suffering for Americans. Though like the man said, there isn't a painless way for the Fed to further manipulate America's currency.

What can be scarier than that? Well, Powell also went on to say, "We will keep at it until we are confident the job is done." In plain English, this means that the Fed plans to continue tampering with the market, causing rampant business closures, until which point they're happy with the state of America's inflation. What if this means going back to pandemic levels of business, where 80% of businesses were closed? If that's what the Fed wants to do, America's government will stand back and just let it happen. The Fed controls the government, not the other way around.

Unelected Bureaucrats Love to Tamper

What's so spectacularly ignorant about America's monetary policy is that the federal government in no way dictates to the Fed, yet the Fed is an unelected body of bureaucrats made up of people who were all appointed by politicians. So, in reality, they shouldn't be anywhere near America's currency. They should be some low-rent think tank out there with a blog. Though they're orders of magnitude more powerful than the government when it comes to controlling money, and that's because they are the sole entity that controls America's money. Perhaps the only reason more Americans aren't outraged over the Fed's behaviors is that most Americans know nothing about them. It's not as if the mainstream corporate media is busy running exposes about all the times these people have lied and cheated their way to riches.

Even the self-proclaimed socialists in America's government, like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, manage to keep their mouths shut about the Fed. They're like Voldemort, and everyone is terrified to mention their name.

Little more than financial speculators who spend their days playing with America's economy for profit, the Fed has all the power in the world to raise interest rates, to print currency, and to force businesses closed at the drop of a hat. And it's not going to be any Wall Street firms or Amazon that end up closed; it's going to be small American businesses, operated by people just getting buy. The Fed will destroy their lives, and no one will bat an eyelash over it. They are admitting that they are going to intentionally spike unemployment rates, and it's a page-six story on off-brand sites like MSN.

These are dangerous and scary times for all Americans. Having an organization like the Fed out there intentionally tampering with people's lives would be objectively criminal in any other period in world history. Yet, for whatever reason, the American government welcomes this behavior.

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